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Canine and Feline Bundles

CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry

Wellness + UA
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, UA

Wellness + Thyroid Panel
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, T4, FT4

Wellness + SDMA
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, SDMA

Wellness + Heartworm Antigen
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, HW Ag

Wellness + Heartworm Ag / Tick Ab
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, Hw Ag, Tick Borne Ab

Extended Wellness
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, UA, T4, FT4

Extended Wellness + Fecal
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, UA, T4, FT4, O&P

Extended Wellness + SDMA
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, UA, T4, FT4, SDMA

Canine Wellness + Heartworm Ag / Tick Ab
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, UA, T4, Hw Ag, Tick Borne Disease Panel

Feline Wellness + FeLV/FIV
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, UA, T4, FELV, FIV

Canine Comprehensive
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, SDMA, UA, T4, Fecal Float, HW/Tick Panel

Feline Comprehensive
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, SDMA, UA, T4, Fecal Float, FeLV/FIV

Thyroid Panel
T4, FT4 (Immulite)

Mammal Fecal Screen
Fecal O&P, Giardia ELISA

Avian Bundles

Avian Wellness
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry

Avian Wellness + EPH
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry EPH

Avian Select
CBC w/ Path Review, Chem Select

Avian Extended Wellness
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, Gram Stain

Reptile Bundles

Reptile Wellness
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry

Reptile Wellness + EPH
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry EPH

Reptile Select
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry Select

Reptile Fecal Screen
Fecal Float, Giardia/Cryptosporidium ELISA

Exotic Companion Mammal Bundles

CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry

Wellness + T4/FT4
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, T4/FT4

Wellness + UA
CBC w/ Path Review, Chemistry, UA

Single Assay

Hematology / Biochemistry

Canine/Feline CBC
w/ reticulocytes, w/ path review

Exotic Mammal CBC
w/ path review

Avian/Reptile CBC
w/ path review

Hoofstock CBC
w/ reticulocytes, w/ path review

Canine/Feline Chemistry

Hoofstock Chemistry

Exotic Mammal Chemistry

Avian Chemistry

Reptile Chemistry

Chemistry Select (5 analytes)


Magnesium (single analyte)

Urine Diagnostics


Fecal Diagnostics

Ova and Parasite

Giardia ELISA

Giardia/Cryptosporidium ELISA

Fecal Gram Stain


Fungal Culture

Aerobic Culture

Anaerobic Culture

Urine Culture


Blood Zinc

Blood Lead



Low Dose Dexamethasone Suppression (Pre, 4hr, 8hr)

ACTH Stim (Pre & Post)




Protein Electrophoresis (EPH)

Encephalitozoon cuniculi Panel (IgG + 1gM + CRP)

Bearded Dragon Atadenovirus PCR

Chlamydia qPCR

Psittacid Herpesvirus 2 PCR

Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease PCR

Heartworm Ag + Tick Bourne Dz Ab

Heartworm Antigen

FeLV Ag + FIV Ab